Our Story
Created through a love for rural communities
Wheatbelt & Beyond Youth Mentoring (WBYM) was formed in 2019 following 9 years of developing and running a successful mentoring program at Bruce Rock District High School. The commencement of WBYM has furthered the opportunity to share the benefits of a compassionate, flexible and cost effective mentoring program with other Regional, Rural and Remote District High Schools.
Janine Dayman, Co-Founder
"I was concerned at the narrow view of careers, lack of aspiration and unwillingness of students to put themselves outside their comfort zone.”"
"We have story after story from students who have grown in confidence and achievement, appreciating their mentor's support and guidance."
Karen Strange, Co-Founder
Having both raised their children in the Wheatbelt, Co-Founders Karen Strange and Janine Dayman understood first-hand the difficulties faced by country kids in their transition from adolescence to adulthood. They recognised the importance of supporting local students, and the benefits mentoring provided in overcoming the challenges of social and geographical isolation. Over the past 5 years, the program has expanded from Bruce Rock to Carnamah, Dowerin, Quairading, Wyalkatchem, Lake Grace and Brookton District High Schools, along with the Governor’s SPARKS of the Future Program.